
  • What “Flappy Bird” says about society (Satire)

    At a certain point, you have to just accept that people are unpredictable and weird, and you will never understand them. … Hold on, let me back track a bit. If I were to ask you to describe your perfect video game, odds are you wouldn’t describe anything along...
  • 2014 Predictions

    Some 2014 predictions: In the coming year, here’s what you’re going to see, in gaming, television, movies and music. (Just because I’m pretty sure I’m a psychic.) 1. A Day To Remember will be a Warped Tour headliner. — With one of the biggest album releases of the year (Common Courtesy)...
  • Starbound Beta Impressions – Part 1

    A few days past, Starbound's beta phase was finally released on Steam as an early access title. For a modest fee of fifteen dollars, you can purchase the game and take part in its chaotic testing phases. Having amassed a substantial fanbase beforehand, the game sold in record numbers...
  • Machinae Supremacy talks with The Pit

    Machinae Supremacy took a chance to speak with The Pit about their upcoming US show and current projects the SID-Metal originators are working on....
  • Hiroshi Yamauchi of Nintendo fame dies at 85

    Hiroshi Yamauchi has passed away due to complications of pneumonia. He ran Nintendo from 1949 to 2002....
  • Mighty No. 9! The New Mega Man

    So here we see the design of Mighty No. 9 and a lot of people are giving a lot of mixed reviews towards it. Obviousl,y it resembles Mega Man and obviously Keiji cannot use Mega Man anymore. ...
  • It truly is ‘A Realm Reborn’ for Final Fantasy XIV

    It is rare for game publishers to be given second chances by the gaming community. Luckily for Square Enix, they seem to have earned their second chance with gamers after the re-release of Final Fantasy XIV, fittingly titled "A Realm Reborn."...
  • Starbound poised to claim the sandbox throne

    Sharing much more in common with the pixelated sidescroller, Terraria, Starbound offers up excellent retro pixel art and animations while expanding the scope significantly from that of its ancestor's....
  • Thoughts on Nintendo’s new 2DS handheld

    Oh, Nintendo. How you've warmed the hearts of many throughout the years, bringing nothing but classics over and over. Following the 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' motto, that has been their staple and they haven't changed....