Kevin Graham

I'm an April 2014 graduate of Oakland University's journalism program. I love tech, the Tigers and Big Bang Theory. I'm an avid reader, aspiring novelist and bad singer.
  • SiriusXM Radio logo

    Tom Petty Radio Returns to Sirius XM

    Tom Petty Radio returned to SiriusXM at 6 p.m. Friday night, in advance of Tuesday’s release of his new album with The Heartbreakers, Hypnotic Eye. While waiting may be the hardest part for those anticipating the group’s first studio album since 2010, the lineup for the rocker’s takeover of...
  • Intel releases Pocket Avatars chat app

    Intel recently released Pocket Avatars, an instant messaging app for iOS and Android that puts you in the role of one of several animated characters. The world of social messaging apps is a little bit crowded at this point. Facebook’s Messenger and WhatsApp platforms are going up against competitors...
  • NASA to broadcast International Space Station maneuvers

    NASA television aired the undocking of ISS Progress 55 from the International Space Station Monday, as well as the docking of the cargo ship’s replacement, scheduled for Wednesday night. Progress 55, which has been docked with the ISS since April, will depart the station at 5:41 p.m. EDT (coverage...
  • Comic-Con app splash screen

    Comic-Con, NBC redesign app

    The organizers of the San Diego Comic-Con, to be held July 24-27, have announced a newly redesigned companion app. Developed in partnership with NBC Universal, the app will allow attendees to view an interactive map of the exhibit hall at the San Diego Convention Center. Users can also view...