Yellowcard throws down a Way Away performance

Yellowcard threw down a performance Way Away from anything else Sunday the 15, at Saint Andrews Hall in Detroit. Marking their ten year Ocean Avenue release anniversary, the band...

Yellowcard threw down a performance Way Away from anything else Sunday the 15, at Saint Andrews Hall in Detroit. Marking their ten year Ocean Avenue release anniversary, the band went on tour performing the entire album, front to back, acoustically.

Yellowcard performs at St. Andrews Hall (photo by Brian Quintos, 2013).

Yellowcard performs at St. Andrews Hall (photo by Brian Quintos, 2013).

They opened with Way Away, a song about leaving, feeling along. This was not the case as the Hall was packed left to right with fans young and old.

Ending their intro set, Yellowcard performed Ocean Avenue, the band’s hit song topping the charts at No. 1 in 2003. As a teenage love song, you would think a band in their thirties and touring for over ten years would lose their effect on the younger generation after some time but this wasn’t the case. Lead singer Ryan Key lit up the house with great vocals while the band’s signature trademark, Ryan Mackin on violin, added that brilliant acoustic touch.

Surrounding the band on stage were dozens of light bulbs. This was a reflection to the bands hit song Lights and Sounds.

Geoff Rickley of the band Thursday opened the show primarily putting out an acoustic performance. He sang his own renditions of some Thursday songs as well as one special song about what happens to the song a couple has after they break up. It was very evident that Rickley was attempting to piss of the audience between every song. His strong opening made up for his strong sarcasm. After his band went on a hiatus following their 2011 album No Devolucion, Rickley went on his own route putting out vocal and acoustic tracks.

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*All photos by Brian Quintos


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