Swervecast 57: What Year Is It!?!

Swervecast is back for another episode, and there is so much to discuss this week! Sean and Lauren talk about the possibility of the Bullet Club officially disbanding in...
Photo courtesy of WWE

Swervecast is back for another episode, and there is so much to discuss this week! Sean and Lauren talk about the possibility of the Bullet Club officially disbanding in NJPW, whether or not Chris Jericho and JR are involved with starting a new federation and we go in depth on the controvery with Crown Jewel, new signings, and what to expect in the coming weeks. Grab a drink, forget about work and give a listen as The Pit’s own mixed tag team bring you Episode 57: What Year Is It!?!


Sean Cahill is a sports writer who has an unhealthy passion for the sport of association football. He is also a gaming and home theater writer for the website Gaming Nexus.
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