Swervecast 45 – Straight Outta Z-Packs

Lauren and Sean are back again this week for another episode of Swervecast. This week the duo wrap up the CM Punk, Colt Cabana and Chris Amann libel trial...

Lauren and Sean are back again this week for another episode of Swervecast. This week the duo wrap up the CM Punk, Colt Cabana and Chris Amann libel trial while taking some time to discuss if CM Punk truly is finished with wrestling. Dominion 6.9 is also on the docket as Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho look to win some gold in Japan. There’s a whole lot more beyond that including some Bret Hart comments that are, shockingly, pro-Hitman and anti-everything else and they look forward to Money in the Bank and Summerslam. Be sure you have your antibiotics with you and are ready for false positives, it’s Swervecast 45: Straight Outta Z-Packs.


Sean Cahill is a sports writer who has an unhealthy passion for the sport of association football. He is also a gaming and home theater writer for the website Gaming Nexus.
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