Swervecast 44 – Trial and Error

We’re full steam ahead, working towards Money in the Bank 2018. Along the road to the unofficial “big five” Pay-Per-View, Sean and Lauren stop to talk about the CM...

We’re full steam ahead, working towards Money in the Bank 2018. Along the road to the unofficial “big five” Pay-Per-View, Sean and Lauren stop to talk about the CM Punk / Colt Cabana / Chris Amann trial and whether or not it’s actually going anywhere, briefly discuss Enzo Amore, whether or not John Cena is right about complacency in the locker room and more. Kick back, grab a cold drink and enjoy Episode 44 of Swervecast, Trial and Error!


Sean Cahill is a sports writer who has an unhealthy passion for the sport of association football. He is also a gaming and home theater writer for the website Gaming Nexus.
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