The Human Cheat Code: Royal Rumble 2015

The Human Cheat Code is the new podcast from The Pit, centered around WWE discussion and analysis....

[dropcap]N[/dropcap]amed after a nickname for Brock Lesnar, welcome to the inaugural episode of The Human Cheat Code podcast, presented by The Pit: Sports and Entertainment.

In this episode, hosts Damien Dennis, Sean Cahill and Lauren Rae break down the 2015 Royal Rumble from a few weeks ago. Due to editing, this show was recorded after the Royal Rumble but unreleased until today. The Human Cheat Code will be a monthly WWE-based podcast where our hosts look at the major storylines leading up to and out of the monthly PPV.

Give it a listen and let us know what you think!

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Owner of The Pit Media, LLC. Damien is an award-winning sports journalist currently employed full-time by Tribune Publishing. He is a part-time sports information specialist with Joliet Junior College. He is a former Heisman Trophy voter and a member of the Football Writers Association of America. He has a Bachelors of Arts in Journalism from Oakland University and a Masters of Arts in Sports Administration from Northwestern University.
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