Nova Talk – Ep. 2: GNR, booze and Flint

Back for episode 2, NOVA talk discusses the Guns N' Roses reunion along with music themed booze. They close out with a serious discussion about the Flint water crisis....

[dropcap]N[/dropcap]OVA talk is back with episode 2! This week, things get a little more serious after discussing the Guns N’ Roses reunion and booze.

The city of Flint, MI is going through a crisis with their water source contaminated heavily with lead. We discussed the musicians, celebrities and others who have donated bottles of water or money to help out as well as ways the public can help.

If you feel like donating to help out the city of Flint in their time of need, you can visit the following links: Band submissions and donations begin Feb 1st All information is on the homepage.


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Assistant music editor; host of NOVA talk.
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