Chris Jericho talks music, wrestling and Chicago

Chris Jericho makes his return ... to The Pit! The Fozzy frontman and WWE Superstar speaks with our Evan Thomas about the new record, wrestling and Chicago....
Chris Jericho performs with Fozzy at Rock on the Range in 2014. Pit file photo

[dropcap]C[/dropcap]hris Jericho returns to The Pit for another interview, this time in audio format!

The Pit’s Evan J. Thomas spoke with the part-time WWE Superstar and Fozzy frontman Thursday about the band’s new record Do You Wanna Start A War, his wrestling career and some complimentary remarks regarding the city of Chicago. The audio is a little rough and we apologize for that, but tune in and enjoy our interview with the Ayatollah of Rock n’ Rolla!

Past articles featuring Chris Jericho and Fozzy:
Chris Jericho speaks with The Pit about new music, touring and WWE

Fozzy commands the crowd at Rock on the Range

Fozzy breaks down the walls at the Machine Shop


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