A7X evolves with “Hail to the King”

With a little more than 3 years passing since the release of their last album Nightmare, Avenged Sevenfold or A7X for you hardcore fans returns with their latest album Hail to...

With a little more than 3 years passing since the release of their last album Nightmare, Avenged Sevenfold or A7X for you hardcore fans returns with their latest album Hail to the King.

The first thing to be said about this album is that it is very different from anything A7X has performed before. The biggest change through the album is the band’s departure from the almost chamber music-like harmonies and melodies and the new focus on hard metal riffs. Some songs almost seem as if the band is channeling Metallica even Pantera.

Musically this is almost a completely different A7X. Even the guitar solos by Synyster Gates, which have been seemingly out of this world in the past, seem to be a more traditional “shredding” style of solo.

From a lyrical standpoint they are still A7X. The almost angelic feel of A7X lyrics is still present. From a critical standpoint this album will probably be incredibly popular. From a fan standpoint this may not be the case.

With the new style of music it is sure to drive some fans away under the perception that the band has “sold-out.” As much as this may get brought up there is something to be said.

A7X has constantly evolved. They started as a band that focused on screaming and ridiculous guitar solos. Then they evolved into even more. Starting in Waking the Fallen and pinnacled in City of Evil, the music started to feature a more developed style with harmonies headed up by the voice of M. Shadows.

This album is just another step in evolution for A7X. They are changing for the fans to bring something new. Bands that don’t evolve or change either don’t succeed or they go by the name of Nickelback.

Also new to this album is that it is the first album with no contribution from The Rev following his passing. Arin Ilejay has officially been named the drummer for A7X following his participation as a touring member.

Hail to the King is currently available for streaming on iTunes and went on sale August 23.


Contributor; The Pit: Sports and Entertainment US Navy wgchurchilljr@yahoo.com
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