Get Ready to Rock for Autism

The Pit's own Don Woodman, is set to host his first annual Rock for Autism event featuring 2 stages and 8 bands to raise autism awareness....

FB_IMG_1491869708810Sunday, April 23 will be a big day for The Pit’s own Don Woodman. This will be the first annual Rock For Autism benefit. RFA will be an Autism benefit show held at US-12 in Wayne, MI in which you will get to see eight of the best local bands from the Metro Detroit area perform.

This will all be in partnership with the Autism Alliance of Michigan, and all the proceeds from the event will be going to them. This foundation helps educate and get people to understand the different forms of autism, as well as giving families affected by autism resources and the help they need.  On top of all of that, they also host many events and gatherings.

The lineup offers a good range of acts, featuring As We Divide, The Banshee Pilot and Helpless Hearts to name just a few. It will be sure to please many people.

“I wanted to bring bands into it that I feel people can relate to and have a good time with. Some of them have family or friends affected by autism so that played into my decision,” said Woodman.

Don Woodman has a personal history and connection to autism.

“Autism has impacted my entire life. Growing up, my brother was the kind of autism you don’t see on the news. I watched my family struggle daily with it and being a young kid there was nothing I could do but watch. Now I have two cousins with ADHD, friends who have family affected by it and for the thousands of families affected by it. My number one goal by this is to raise awareness and educate people on how to interact with people in the spectrum and how you can help those in need.”

While the idea for this has been around for a while, it wasn’t until only recently that it started to come to fruition. “It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time now but I’ve never had the resources or motivation. With the support of my fiancee, family, friends and sponsors, I was able to make it happen. Planning began around late January/early February” says Don of the event.

The bands on the lineup will have tickets for $10 or tickets will be $12 at the door

There will be a raffle with merchandise from Eternally Nocturnal and a limited print from SMTabor Photography. SMTabor Photography will also have prints for sale. 100% of both will be given to the foundation.
1 for 1$
5 for $3
10 for $5

This event is all ages until 9PM. It’s expected to be over by then. After 9PM, if you wish to hang out, it then becomes 21+ (normal bar rules)

If you are unable to attend or wish to donate more, do so via

Eternally Nocturnal
SMTabor Photography
The Pit Media
The Radio Show Detroit
Bad Ass Art and Music Show

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