NOVA Talk 19: Worsnop Chronicles

Nova Talk leads in this week with a big discussion about Danny Worsnop returning to his former band Asking Alexandria and how the nation reacted....

Nate and Don bring NOVA Talk in this week without Eric, but he was surely missed. Up this week is the very chaotic, confusing situation with Danny Worsnop returning to his former band Asking Alexandria. Their thoughts and concepts about the situation are discussed.

Also up this week, are album reviews for Avenged Sevenfold, Korn and more as well as discussing some new song releases from Papa Roach and Metallica.

Featured artists this week are Novaraand Eva Under FireIf you want your music showcased on NOVA Talk, send Don an email of your band with details about them and an MP3 of your choosing to

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Assistant music editor; host of NOVA talk.
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